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Jessica R
Sep 23, 2023
¿Presentar las letras en un orden diferente podría mejorar el proceso del aprendizaje de la lectura?
En Kindergarden en un programa de Inmersión al español, he venido usando desde hace mucho tiempo un orden de presentación de letras algo...
Jessica R
Sep 14, 2023
Might arranging letters in a new order enhance one's ability to learning to read?
In a Spanish Immersion Kindergarten Program, I have been using the "old-fashioned" order of introducing letters when teaching reading and...
Jessica R
Aug 13, 2023
The deficit of executive functions and its effect on the first steps in learning to read
Some time ago, the parents of one of my 5-year-old students were concerned. Despite their little boy's brilliant intelligence, he...
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